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Also continue to visit Colorado PT Cruiser Club on Facebook.

Facebook Colorado Friends of the PT Cruiser

©Chrysler and PT Cruiser are Registered Trademarks of the Daimler Chrysler Corporation. The Colorado PT Cruiser Club and its web site are not affiliated with the Daimler Chrysler Corporation. The products and opinions expressed on this web site, and sites linked to it, are not necessarily that of the CPTCC, its web site or Daimler Chrysler Corporation. The CPTCC and/or Daimler Chrysler Corporation are not responsible for errors published on this web site.Q

This PT Cruiser Club was formed in 2001 with the main focus of cruising in this beautiful State of Colorado and having fun with other people with the same interest in cars. Although we love to show off our PT Cruisers, the Colorado PT Cruiser Club is about cruising with friends, not sitting in parking lots at car shows. From the very first time we met, we have focused on cruising roads in Colorado that we have never been on and finding great places in Colorado to go visit. We love to find small “ma & pa” restaurants to eat at as a group and then cruise somewhere in the beautiful state we live in. 


We meet on the second Saturday of each month for a "Meet & Greet" lunch and cruise. All information about these Meet & Greets can be found on our "Events" calendar. We also get involved in parades like Veterans Day, Memorial Day, and Saint Patrick’s Day and have done many fundraiser events to help others. Once a year in August, we have Cruise The Rockies where we invite people from all over the United States to come visit us somewhere in Colorado to go cruising in one of the most beautiful States in the USA. Each year we find a different area of the State to promote and to show the rest of the World why we say... “If you haven’t cruised Colorado, You haven’t cruised.”


Click on the links above for our monthy events or our annual Cruise The Rockies. Till then, Cruise Safe.


This club is open to all makes and models of cars. If you love to cruise, we would love to meet you. We will update the website with additional pictures as we receive them.


Check often for event updates!
Chrysler and PT Cruiser are Registered Trademarks of the Daimler Chrysler Corporation. 
The Colorado PT Cruiser Club and its web site are not affiliated with the Daimler Chrysler Corporation.
 The products and opinions expressed on this web site, and sites linked to it, are not necessarily that 
of the CPTCC,  its web site or Daimler Chrysler Corporation.  
The CPTCC  and/or Daimler Chrysler Corporation 
are not responsible for errors published on this web site
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